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Get on the Map!

March 09, 2011


We're two weeks away from Kick Butts Day, and more than 500 events from coast to coast already are registered.

On March 23, thousands of youth will create pledge walls, hold rallies and stand out, speak out and seize control against Big Tobacco.

This interactive map shows registered events so that people in your community, the press and other Kick Butts Day participants can see how YOU are taking action. It also provides viewers with contact information for event organizers, so other organizers can partner, combine events or share ideas!

Kick Butts Day Events on the Map

Check out the 2011 Kick Butts Day Guide and register your Kick Butts Day event TODAY so other people can see the awesome activities you are planning. There's also lots of cool Kick Butts Day gear for you to wear, to use as giveaways or keep as souvenirs of the energy and excitement you felt on Kick Butts Day. Browse through our store!