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  • 22.5% of Vietnamese adults (age 15+) currently smoke tobacco products (men 45.3%; women 1.1%).1
    • 18.2% of all adults smoke cigarettes
    • 6.7% smoke waterpipes (men 13.7%; women 0.2%)
  • 2.3% of youth (ages 13–15) currently smoke cigarettes (boys 3.6%; girls 1.2%).2

Secondhand Smoke Exposure

  • 42.6% of adults are exposed to secondhand smoke in indoor workplaces, 80.7% in restaurants and bars, and 19.4% are exposed on public transport.1
  • 71.2% of youth (ages 13–15) are exposed to secondhand smoke in public places and 58.5% of youth are exposed to secondhand smoke at home.3

Health Consequences

  • At least 75,000 Vietnamese die each year from smoking-related causes.4
  • Nearly 20% of all male deaths and 8% of adult female deaths are due to tobacco smoking.4

Tobacco Industry

The Vietnam National Tobacco Corporation, a government owned tobacco company, holds more than half (55%) of the cigarette market share. International tobacco companies hold most of the remaining cigarette market share in Vietnam. In 2015, British American Tobacco led with 26.5% of market share, followed by Philip Morris International (7%), Imperial Tobacco (7%), and Japan Tobacco (1.5%). In Vietnam, nearly 74 billion cigarettes were sold in 2015.5

FCTC Status

Vietnam ratified the WHO Framework Convention on Tobacco Control on December 17, 2004. The treaty went into effect on March 17, 2005.

Tobacco Control Policy Status

For a summary of smoke-free, advertising and promotion, packaging and labeling, and taxation and price measures, download the Vietnam Tobacco Control Policy Status fact sheet. For more information visit the Tobacco Control Laws website.

1 Viet Nam Global Adult Tobacco Survey (GATS). World Health Organization; 2015.
2Global School-based Student Health Survey (GSHS): Viet Nam. World Health Organization; 2013. Available from:
3 Viet Nam Global Youth Tobacco Survey (GYTS). National, 2007. Available from:
4Global Burden of Disease (GBD) 2013. Seattle, WA: Institute for Health Metrics and Evaluation (IHME), University of Washington;2015. Available from:
5Euromonitor International; 2016.

Last updated Jan. 2017