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This is a brief outline of a few items in our standard grant agreement. This is not legally binding language and is intended only for clarification. For detailed information, please consult your grant agreement.

Use of Grant Funds

  • Grant funds can not be used to support or oppose any candidates for political office and must be used in accordance with the laws of a grantee’s country with regards to lobbying.
  • Funds must be used according to the agreed upon project budget. Any significant changes to the budget must be pre-approved by CTFK.
  • Funds may be used to make payments to third parties but must be in accordance with the project budget. Any payments greater than $10,000.00 (USD) to a third party must be pre-approved by CTFK. It is the grantees’ responsibility to ensure that funds are not used to promote violence or terrorist activity or related training. These efforts by the grantee shall include but are not limited to taking all reasonable steps necessary to ensure that none of the grant funds are paid to any person or organization identified on the terrorist-related lists distributed by the U.S. Government. Find this list on the U.S. Treasury Department Web site.

Publicity Relating to Grant

  • CTFK may use any photos, information or materials related to the grant, including grantee’s name, logo and trademarks.
  • CTFK has the right to use any media developed by the grantee under the grant.

Notification and Reporting Requirements

  • Grantee must immediately notify CTFK if there is any change to the project or project activities.
  • Grantees are responsible for periodic reporting, both narrative and financial, to CTFK.

Record-Keeping, Audits and Inspections

  • Grantees must keep adequate financial records related to the grant and make these documents available to CTFK at any time.
  • Termination of the Grant Agreement: CTFK may terminate the grant at any time.

No Tobacco Industry Relationships

  • Grantees, and any third party contractors or organizations, may not receive any payments or any other support from any tobacco product manufacturer or wholesaler (including parent, affiliate or subsidiary organization). To do so will immediately void the grant.