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The Global Health Advocacy Incubator at the Campaign for Tobacco-Free Kids advances public health policies to build a healthier and safer world.

Drawing on decades of international experience working in diverse political systems, with global civil society organizations and across a variety of public health issues, we provide strategic support to advocates campaigning to enact and implement laws that save lives.

Our multidisciplinary team has a broad range of experience in planning, executing and evaluating high-impact policy advocacy campaigns. We provide capacity building and technical assistance across all components of effective policy advocacy – from political mapping, legal analysis and strategic planning to direct policy advocacy, communications and media advocacy, coalition building and grassroots mobilization.

Contact the Global Health Advocacy Incubator

1400 I ("Eye") Street NW Suite 1200
Washington, D.C. 20005
United States


For more information, visit


The Global Health Advocacy Incubator’s broad experience and international reach allows us to codify global best practices in policy advocacy, produce impactful advocacy tools and bring experienced staff to policy change campaigns. It allows us to catalyze – and energize – a sustainable movement of passionate advocates at the local, national, regional and international levels.

Our technical assistance covers:

  • Advocacy Support

    We empower partners as they define clear advocacy objectives and develop an overall advocacy plan that includes political mapping, communications, coalition building, direct lobbying and grassroots organizing to influence policymakers.

  • Communications and Media Relations

    We assist partners in the planning and execution of strategic earned and social media campaigns that raise awareness of public health issues and create a media environment that is conducive to policy change.

  • Legal Drafting and Review

    We train lawyers in drafting and reviewing policy directives so they represent best practices and minimize the prospect of legal challenges.

  • Advocacy-Focused Research

    We support partners in drafting advocacy materials for policymakers and the public and in conducting public opinion research and focus groups to develop and refine messaging and gauge support for public health policies.

  • Capacity Building

    We help organizations assess their capacity to conduct effective campaigns and explore ways to add capacity on key advocacy competencies.


Building on our work in the tobacco control movement, the Global Health Advocacy Incubator is guided by a set of core values:

  • Health is a human right. We must take action to promote and protect it.
  • Policy change must be locally led and sustained. Our role is to enhance the ability of advocates to create the change they envision.
  • Data is crucial to boosting health outcomes. We facilitate the advocacy of evidence-based policies.

We respect the dignity, cultural context, capabilities and perspectives of the people in countries where we work, and we will not work or associate with any industries that are in conflict with our values or detract from our organization’s commitment to tobacco control.