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2014: A Historic Year in the Fight Against Tobacco

December 31, 2014

From CVS’s bold decision to end tobacco sales to once-unimaginable progress in countries such as Russia, India and China that have the world’s highest rates of tobacco use, 2014 has been a truly historic and pivotal year in the fight against tobacco.

As 2014 winds down, the Campaign for Tobacco-Free Kids celebrates the achievements of the past year, and we renew our commitment to ending the tobacco epidemic in the United States and around the world. We are grateful to our many partners and supporters who are committed to making the next generation tobacco-free.

Here’s a quick snapshot of 2014.

U.S. Highlights

International Highlights

  • Beijing is going smoke-free.
    Beijing in November adopted a historic tobacco control law
    that will require smoke-free indoor public places, workplaces and public transport and also bans most forms of tobacco advertising, promotion and sponsorship. It sets the stage for adoption of strong national legislation in China, which has more smokers than any other country.

  • Russia implements comprehensive tobacco control law.
    Russia this year finished implementing its new tobacco control law
    , which requires smoke-free public places; bans all tobacco advertising, promotion and sponsorship; prohibits point-of-sale tobacco displays; and limits where tobacco products can be sold. It’s a giant step in the world’s second largest cigarette market.

  • Brazil becomes the world’s largest smoke-free country.
    Overcoming fierce tobacco industry opposition, Brazil this month implemented its three-year-old tobacco control law, making Brazil the world’s most populous smoke-free country. The law also bans point-of-sale tobacco ads and strengthens cigarette warnings.

  • Senegal enacts comprehensive tobacco control law.
    The law bans tobacco advertising, promotion and sponsorship; requires graphic health warnings covering 70 percent of the pack; and includes strong provisions regarding smoke-free public places. It sets a powerful example for Africa, which has been targeted by the tobacco industry as a growth market.

  • New report exposes global Marlboro marketing campaign that targets youth.
    The Campaign for Tobacco-Free Kids and global partners exposed how Philip Morris International’s “Be Marlboro” campaign has spread to over 50 countries despite being found by a German court to target youth. We have called for an end to this marketing campaign, which uses themes and images that clearly appeal to youth.

  • Graphic cigarette warnings spread worldwide. A September report by the Canadian Cancer Society found that 77 countries have finalized graphic cigarette warnings, up from 55 countries by the end of 2012 and just one country – Canada – in 2001. India this year vaulted into first place – tied with Thailand – for the largest tobacco health warnings by mandating warnings covering 85 percent of the front and back of tobacco packages. Other countries taking action this year included Brazil, Costa Rica, Indonesia and the Philippines.

Despite this progress, tobacco is still the number one cause of preventable death in the U.S. and worldwide. It kills 480,000 Americans each year and is projected to kill one billion people worldwide this century without strong action now. And the tobacco industry remains as aggressive as ever in pushing its deadly and addictive products.

In 2015, we look forward to continuing the fight to save lives and make tobacco history.