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Get on the Map!

February 16, 2012

With just five weeks to go before Kick Butts Day, March 21, more than 700 events around the country and on military bases overseas already are registered for a day of activism against Big Tobacco.

Have you registered your event?

Our Google map shows registered Kick Butts Day events around the country. It lets people in your community, the media and other Kick Butts Day participants know about the cool and colorful activities you are using to spotlight the deadly truth about tobacco, how the tobacco industry targets kids — and what youth can do to fight back.

Here’s a sample:

  • In Ohio, junior and senior high school students from Lucas County will head to the Statehouse in Columbus toting life-size foam boards with messages that tell their legislators how vital it is to reduce tobacco use. The students will support taxing all tobacco products at the same rate, and using the money raised for programs that prevent kids from smoking and help smokers quit.
  • In Boston, The 84 Movement — representing the 84 percent of Massachusetts teens who choose not to smoke — will hold a rally at the State House to focus attention on how the tobacco industry targets youth with cheap, colorful products. They will meet with legislators to discuss the industry’s deceptive marketing and ask for their support in the fight against Big Tobacco.

Have an awesome idea for your own Kick Butts Day event? If you register your event by midnight Friday, Feb. 17, you’ll be entered into a drawing to receive a FREE Kick Butts Day gift to aid your advocacy effort.

So get registered – and get on the map!