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New Year Means Kick Butts Day is Coming Soon

January 13, 2012

Kick Butts Day Logo

The turn of the calendar means Kick Butts Day 2012 will be here before you know it! March 21 is only weeks away, so start planning now to make your Kick Butts Day event bigger and better than ever.

  • Register your event: Registering your event literally gets you on the map–our popular Kick Butts Day Google map, that is. It shows where youth around the country are standing out, speaking up and seizing control over Big Tobacco. Registered events also get assistance in gaining media attention.

  • Apply for a mini-grant of $500 or $1,000: Grants are made possible by the United Health Foundation, and applications will be accepted until January 27. A mini-grant can make your event go from good to GREAT!

  • Nominate someone for a Youth Advocate of the Year award:If you know a high school student who has really shown leadership in the fight against tobacco over the last year, suggest this award. Do you know a great group that has worked together to lobby for legislation and raise awareness in their community? Tell them to apply as well. We are looking for the best and brightest across the U.S. so we need your help!

  • Create a Public Service Announcement: Our PSA contest, Kicking Butts on Film...(and Radio)! is back! Submit your entry for by January 27. The winner will be featured on the Tobacco Unfiltered blog and may even get shown on a local TV or radio station.

Kick Butts Day is your day to tell Big Tobacco to stop targeting youth.