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Let’s Get Healthier: Take Action for Change

December 09, 2011


Slow progress in bringing smoking rates down, coupled with dramatic increases in obesity and diabetes, mean the nation's overall health didn't improve in the past year.

United Health Foundation’s annual report, America’s Health Rankings, ranks states based on progress in fighting the causes of chronic diseases that are overburdening the health care system and driving up costs. States that showed the most improvement this year were New York and New Jersey — both of which advanced because of strides in reducing smoking.

Individuals can take steps to improve their own health and boost the country’s overall well-being: Take Action for Change by pledging to get healthier. Then vote for the Campaign for Tobacco-Free Kids to receive a grant from the United Health Foundation to support our work to reduce tobacco use and save lives. We're grateful to the United Health Foundation for including us in this important initiative. Get going to get healthier!