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Great American Smokeout is Early Holiday Gift for Health

November 16, 2011

For smokers trying to quit, there's no better time than to start than tomorrow — the Great American Smokeout.

For 36 years, the American Cancer Society has designated the day for smokers to quit, and for those who love them to give help and support.

To celebrate, Dr. Len Lichtenfeld, Deputy Chief Medical Officer for the American Cancer Society, is conducting a live chat to talk about practical tips to help smokers break a nicotine addiction and quit for good. Head to the' target='_blank'>American Cancer Society Facebook page at 2 pm to join in!

Nearly 70 percent of American smokers say they want to quit, and more than half of them tried to do so in 2010, according to a new study by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Yet quitting smoking is difficult and only 6 percent of smokers who tried to quit last year succeeded. Smokers are more likely to succeed if they use effective treatments such as counseling and medication.

Between November's Smokeout and New Year's Day, many smokers resolve to quit. To assist them, Legacy is participating in Blueprint to Quit, a program to provide nicotine replacement therapy and online counseling to give smokers the support they need. GlaxoSmithKline Consumer Healthcare, which produces leading smoking cessation products, is offering this program at Walmart stores and online.

Quit now for the gift of health and a smoke-free New Year.

Image source: American Cancer Society.