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Lights, Camera, Let’s Take Action …

November 07, 2011

Are you an aspiring filmmaker or broadcaster? Or perhaps just a passionate youth advocate with a camera or microphone who is ready to take on Big Tobacco?

The 4th annual Kicking Butts on Film (… and Radio!) contest is underway.

In the months leading up to Kick Butts Day 2012, we're looking for young people to use their creative energy to stand out, speak up, and seize control in the fight against tobacco by producing video and radio public service announcements.

Our last national winner, 'Ciggy Strikes Out,' was produced by youth from Family Links of McClellan, Alabama. The group's PSA was even featured on local television news.

So what are you waiting for? Grab a camera or a microphone and get started!

And start brainstorming your event for Kick Butts Day – it's on March 21, 2012, just a few months away.