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12.0 Submissions Made by Tobacco Companies in Response to Plain Packaging Proposals

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  • November 24, 2015 Legislation providing powers adopted by the Assemblée Nationale (Law n°2016-41); March 22, 2016 Decree and Ministerial Order were published;
  • May 20, 2016 Decree came into force.9 Legislation applies to cigarettes and hand-roll-tobacco. Old stock could be sold until January 1, 2017.
  • Legal challenges: TheConseilConstitutionnel upheld the law in a decision on January 21, 2016 10 ; the Conseild’État dismissed six industry challenges in a decision given on December 23, 2016.11

UK 2012 and 2014 consultations:

Irish Joint Committee on Health and Children in 2014:

New Zealand Health Committee of the House of Representatives in 2014:

Norwegian consultation on standardized packaging in 2015:

Australia’s Post-Implementation Review in 2015:

Canada’s Consultation on plain packaging for tobacco products in 2016: