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Template Model Law Final 

To assist with the drafting of detailed regulations we have produced a model law template. This covers every aspect of the plain packaging to tobacco products policy detailed on the Each Clause of the Law Explained page. The template is intended only as a guide or framework that can assist in ensuring a state's plain packaging law is comprehensive. An attorney's expertise will be necessary to tailor the template to the drafting rules and styles of a particular jurisdiction and the existing laws of the country.

The International Legal Consortium (ILC) at Tobacco-Free Kids has lawyers with extensive experience in drafting and reviewing tobacco control laws across many jurisdictions around the world. Legislative drafting styles vary widely from country to country and there is no ‘one size fits all’ draft law. The template included here provides language that can be adapted but for further assistance including a review of any draft legislation please contact the ILC directly.

ENGLISH Download Model Law Template

ESPAÑOL Descargar plantilla de ley modelo