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Últimas Noticias

  • La necesidad de grandes incrementos del impuesto (17 de October de 2019)

    As explained in the policy note, a "large" increase in taxes that reduce affordability is necessary to have a significant impact on tobacco consumption. The concept of "large" increase refers to a significant price increase, which must be at least larger than the sum of per capita income growth and inflation.

  • ¿Qué está pasando con los cigarrillos electrónicos en el mundo? (26 de September de 2019)

    During the last month, the US media have exposed several cases of teenagers with serious health complications due to the use of electronic cigarettes. The main concern associated with these cases is the lack of regulation of these products, since not knowing with certainty their ingredients, it has not been possible to prevent the community about the consequences of their consumption.

  • "Impuestos a favor de la salud para salvar vidas" (05 de September de 2019)

    Tobacco, alcohol and sugary beverages are markets that are characterized by place of harmful consumption, preventable deaths and large economic costs. These three products are currently responsible for more than ten million premature deaths a year in the world. Tobacco, in particular, is the largest and most documented risk of the three products, and causes 8 million deaths per year. Therefore, increasing tobacco taxes can do more to reduce premature mortality than any other single health policy.

  • En la lucha mundial contra la epidemia del tabaquismo: ¿cómo se ha avanzado en la medida de impuestos? (09 de August de 2019)

    Clearly, decision makers should not follow the arguments presented by the industry, when there is extensive evidence on the cost-effectiveness and the impacts of the tobacco tax measure in the countries of the region. The tobacco tax measure should be a priority to protect the new generations from the smoking epidemic, even in its newest presentations.

  • Precio de cigarrillos y consumo en Chile (08 de August de 2019)

    The results of the study are consistent with large evidence in tobacco economics: an increase in cigarette prices is associated with a decrease in consumption. Particularly in the Chilean case, the increase was due to BAT's own decisions and not government initiatives.

  • Inaguran sistema de trazabilidad en Chile (25 de June de 2019)

    The Minister of Finance, Felipe Larrain, commented that the estimations indicate that, thanks to this new traceability system, it can be reduce the amount of taxes for the sale of cigarettes and increase the revenue in US $100 million per year.

  • En Costa Rica: productos de tabaco exentos de IVA (20 de June de 2019)

    Article 12 of the now Law 9635 states that the specific taxes established by different laws to various consumer goods will be part of the VAT tax base. That is, before making the VAT calculation, the amount of the specific tax must be added to the price of each of those products.
    Interestingly, the same article makes only three exceptions: milk, toilet soap and tobacco products (in the latter case the tax is ₡ 24 per cigarette, of which 13% are ₡ 3).

  • La salida de Philip Morris de Colombia (13 de June de 2019)

    With the decision to close the plants, the efectiveness of the objectives of tobacco taxes should not be question: reduce smoking (as its health system costs) and increase the revenue.

  • Lanzamiento del Tobacco Watcher! (05 de June de 2019)

    The Institute for Global Tobacco Control at Johns Hopkins University just launched Tobacco Watcher, an artificial intelligence system that keeps up on issues of tobacco control.

  • 31 de mayo: Día Mundial sin Tabaco (31 de May de 2019)

    Communities have the right to enjoy a healthier life and, without a doubt, tobacco is a obstacle to this right. For this reason, the #NoTobaccoDay is an opportunity to say #YesToTobbacoTaxes

  • Premio del Día Mundial sin Tabaco (30 de May de 2019)

    This recognition, given by the Director General of the WHO, is a gratitude to these people and organizations for their commitment to the implementation of tobacco control measures in their countries.

  • OMS apoya demanda de Brasil de indemnización de compañías tabacaleras (30 de May de 2019)

    The New York Times - About 428 people die per day in Brazil because of nicotine dependency, and 90% of lung cancer cases in the country are related to smoking tobacco, according to the Health Ministry.

  • Demanda a PMI por los costos de la epidemia del tabaco (03 de May de 2019)

    Sign the Corporate Accountability request for Philip Morris International (PMI) to pay for the costs of the lives that they damage the year.

  • Webcast: políticas fiscales para la salud (30 de April de 2019)

    Fiscal Policies for Health: Taxing Tobacco, Alcohol, and Sugary Beverages

  • Philip Morris declara el "Año sin humo", pero lanza un nuevo cigarrillo en Indonesia y vende más de 700 mil millones de cigarrillos al año en todo el mundo (30 de April de 2019)

    Doubling down on its campaign of deception, Philip Morris International – one of the world’s largest cigarette manufacturers – recently launched “The Year of Unsmoke,” a follow-up to claims that it wants a smoke-free future.

  • Curso de Johns Hopkins: "Control Global de Tabaco: Aprendiendo de los expertos" (27 de March de 2019)

    Learn about the tobacco epidemic and the obstacles that are contributing to seven millions deaths annually. With case studies and subject matter expert spanning the globe, get a global-centric view of the tobacco epidemic and what can be done to fight it.

  • Iniciativa de control de tabaco de Bloomberg (28 de February de 2019) This week, Bloomberg Philanthropies held in New York, the meeting of allies in tobacco control to discuss the strategies that are currently being used to reduce tobacco consumption.

  • ¿Cuánto le cuestan los fumadores al sistema de salud? (21 de February de 2019)

    By being the most effective measure to reduce consumption, tobacco taxes should be a priority on the health policy agendas worldwide; With this measure, governments will be able to free a large part of the national budget that is destined to cover the health expenses caused by this epidemic.

  • La intervención de las tabacaleras en sistemas de rastreo (14 de February de 2019)

    After the nineties, the tobacco companies went from being the illicit trade offer to being the victims and the solution to it. Using their data and influences, they exaggerated the issue of illicit trade and presented it as a consequence of tobacco control policies.

  • Aditivos en Brasil (14 de February de 2019)

    The Supreme Court of Brazil recognizes the faculty of the Brazilian Agency for Health Regulation (ANVISA) to prohibit additives in cigarettes.

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