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Tobacco Industry Loses Big Decision in Department of Justice (DOJ) Case

Statement of William V. Corr Executive Vice President, Campaign for Tobacco-Free Kids
May 23, 2003

Washington, D.C. — Judge Kessler's decision today is a legal victory for the government and a big victory for Americans who deserve their day in court. In its latest round of legal maneuvering, the tobacco industry failed to persuade the court to dismiss a major part of the DOJ case that addresses the industry's 'advertising, marketing, promotion and warning claims.'

The federal tobacco lawsuit, filed in September 1999, seeks to hold the tobacco industry legally accountable for decades of illegal and harmful practices, including marketing practices aimed at children and concealing the health risks of its deadly and addictive products. In addition to the possibility of significant financial recourse, the suit has the potential to require fundamental change in the industry's harmful and deceptive business practices.

Since the case was filed, the tobacco industry has used legal maneuvering as well as attempts to cash in on political donations to Congress to stop this case from moving forward. Today, Americans are one major step closer to getting the day in court that they deserve.