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On the Death of United States Senator Paul Wellstone

Statement by Matthew L. Myers, President and William V. Corr, Executive Vice-President Campaign for Tobacco-Free Kids
October 22, 2002

Washington, D.C. — We are truly saddened to learn of the death of United States Senator Paul Wellstone of Minnesota, as well as members of his family, staff and others aboard his plane. Our nation has lost a gifted public servant who cared deeply about protecting our nation's kids from the deadly consequences of tobacco use.

Throughout his career, Senator Wellstone was a strong advocate for tobacco prevention efforts. He was a crusader for better public health for all Americans and had worked tirelessly to expand health insurance coverage for America's families. He was a true champion on children's issues and never backed away from a legislative battle with the most powerful corporate interests in Washington, including the tobacco industry.

We are grateful to Senator Wellstone for his years of work and dedication to this nation. We deeply appreciated his commitment. Our thoughts and prayers go out to his family. This country is a far better place because of the leadership, commitment and compassion of Senator Paul Wellstone, and he will be greatly missed.