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Statement of William V. Corr Executive Vice President of the Campaign for Tobacco-Free Kids RE: President's Planned Veto of Commerce-Justice-State Appropriations Bill that Lacks Funding for Federal Tobacco Lawsuit

October 26, 2000

Washington, DC — The President has indicated that he will veto the Commerce-Justice-State Appropriations bill that does not provide the Department of Justice with the funds needed to pursue its lawsuit against the tobacco industry. Congress should act quickly to provide the necessary funds and give the American people their day in court. The current bill moved in the right direction by deleting language that would block the Justice Department from seeking litigation funding from other departments affected by tobacco-related health care costs. But it still does not provide the resources the Justice Department needs. It is time for Big Tobacco's congressional allies to cease all efforts to grant the industry special protection and vote instead to hold the industry legally accountable for its decades of deception and intentional wrongdoing.