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Statement on Baltimore Billboard Ban

April 28, 1997

Washington, DC - The CAMPAIGN FOR TOBACCO-FREE KIDS today issued the following statement on the Baltimore billboard ban: 'The Supreme Court's decision today to let stand the City of Baltimore's restrictions on tobacco billboards is another legal victory for America's kids. We are confident that this, along with the recent District Court ruling in Greensboro, North Carolina, to uphold the FDA jurisdiction are just the beginning of the legal victories that will allow society to protect kids from tobacco marketing and sales,' said Bill Novelli, President of the CAMPAIGN. 'Similar restrictions to the Baltimore law are part of the Food and Drug Administration's regulations to protect kids from tobacco marketing. FDA's marketing restrictions were struck down by the Greensboro court last week but they will be appealed to the same Appellate Court which originally upheld the Baltimore law,' Novelli said. 'Marketing restrictions such as Baltimore's, which prohibits tobacco billboards in areas where they are likely to be seen by children, are important tools in the fight against underage tobacco use. Tobacco companies spend billions every year on marketing that makes smoking seem sexy, fun and cool. Unfortunately, the tobacco companies' marketing works: 85 percent of kids, compared to one-third of adults, smoke the three most heavily advertised brands (Marlboro, Camel and Newport),' said Matthew L. Myers, Executive Vice President of the CAMPAIGN