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Statement: Release of the Koop - Kessler Committee Report

Statement on the release of the Koop - Kessler Committee Report
July 09, 1997

Washington, DC - 'Today’s release of the Final Report of the Advisory Committee on Tobacco Policy and Public Health contributes to the national discussion about saving lives and protecting kids from tobacco,' said Bill Novelli, President. 'The CAMPAIGN FOR TOBACCO-FREE KIDS commends Dr. David Kessler and Dr. C. Everett Koop for their leadership in chairing this committee. Their efforts, along with those of all Committee members, will undoubtedly lead to a healthier America.' 'This report outlines the major elements of a national tobacco control plan and it reflects the public health community’s best understanding of what steps need to be taken to ensure a major decline in the deaths and illnesses caused by tobacco,' said Matthew Myers, executive vice president and general counsel. 'We hope that this report, along with the recently announced proposed settlement between the state Attorneys General and the tobacco companies, will move our country towards immediately implementing a comprehensive national effort to significantly reduce the more than 400,000 people who die each year from tobacco-caused disease.' 'We believe that there is currently an historic opportunity to reduce the number of our children who become addicted to tobacco,' Novelli added. 'We look forward to working closely with Drs. Koop and Kessler, and all members of the public health community, the White House and the Congress to finally bring an end to the health dangers of tobacco use.'