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Statement: The Durbin-Collins Amendment

Statement by Bill Novelli, President, CAMPAIGN FOR TOBACCO-FREE KIDS
September 10, 1997

Washington, DC - The Senate has courageously repealed Big Tobacco’s $50 billion windfall by a stunning vote of 95 to 3. The vote is a victory for the American public, which was incensed by this giveaway. Its passage sends a very clear signal to the tobacco industry that backroom deals will not be tolerated. The $50 billion credit was added to the budget agreement in the closing hours of the negotiations. Most senators voting on the budget agreement did not even know it was included until the last minute. Had the $50 billion credit stood, it would have allowed the tobacco industry to reduce its payment as part of any national tobacco control agreement. We commend Senators Durbin and Collins for their leadership on this issue and for leading the fight to eliminate Big Tobacco’s windfall.