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Statement: Tobacco-Free Kids Applauds Clinton's Leadership; Promises to Build Public Support and Work with Congress to Pass Tobacco-Control Legislation

The CAMPAIGN FOR TOBACCO-FREE KIDS today released the following statement in reaction to President Clinton’s comments on the proposed tobacco agreement
September 17, 1997

Washington, DC - 'The President today took an important step forward in the effort to enact a comprehensive, sustainable, and well-funded national tobacco control policy. We applaud his leadership in working for an agreement that drives down both youth and adult smoking rates, helps those already addicted quit, and keeps our children from ever taking up the habit,' said Bill Novelli, president of the CAMPAIGN FOR TOBACCO-FREE KIDS. 'The broad principles that the President has articulated will help the public health community and Congress work together to achieve strong legislation that saves lives and protects children from tobacco addiction. In the coming months, we look forward to joining with the President, the Congress, and public health advocates to enact a tobacco control policy and plan that finally attacks tobacco addiction in this country,' said Matthew Myers, executive vice president of the CAMPAIGN. 'The American people overwhelmingly support protecting kids from tobacco. We will take our case to the public and help to build public support for a comprehensive, sustainable, well-funded national tobacco control policy,' Novelli said. 'The tobacco industry must now show its commitment to reducing youth smoking and to protecting kids from tobacco. The industry must be willing to reform its way of doing business and make significant strides to help undo the decades of harm it has inflicted on America’s kids,' Myers said.