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Statement: Introduction of National Tobacco Control Legislation

Statement by Bill Novelli, President, CAMPAIGN FOR TOBACCO-FREE KIDS
November 05, 1997

Washington, DC - The tobacco control legislation introduced by Senators McCain and Hollings today represents a step in the wrong direction. The legislation fails to correct important shortcomings that have been identified in the June 20 proposed settlement agreement between the state Attorneys General and the tobacco industry. We support the enactment of strong, comprehensive legislation. As drafted, we cannot support this bill. Rectifying the shortcomings in this bill is critical to ending the national tobacco epidemic and to saving lives. The CAMPAIGN is committed to working with Senators McCain, Hollings, and the entire Congress to develop bipartisan legislation that will have widespread support in the public health community. Only a comprehensive, well-funded and sustainable tobacco control policy created within such an environment will truly protect the lives of America’s kids.