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Anti-smoking Group Looking for Student Advocates

January 22, 1997

The CAMPAIGN FOR TOBACCO-FREE KIDS has issued a call for nominations for its Youth Advocate of the Year Award, an annual competition that recognizes outstanding youth tobacco-control activists. Young eople may be nominated for anti-tobacco activities such as teaching classmates about the dangers of obacco use, helping keep their schools smoke free, or speaking out against cigarette ads that may appeal to children. Five regional winners will be honored for their work in tobacco control . One regional winner will receive the national Youth Advocate of the Year Award. All winners will be recognized at a gala event April 10 in Washington, DC. The national and regional winners will represent the CAMPAIGN as youth advocates in 1997. Winners will be chosen based on their initiative, leadership abilities, creative thinking and problem solving, ability to communicate ideas effectively, and impact on state or local activities addressing youth access to tobacco. “We’re looking for the best and the brightest who are working to keep their schools, classmates and communities smoke free,” said William D. Novelli, president of the CAMPAIGN. Last year’s national winner was Anna Santiago, a 15-year-old resident from Highland Park, IL. Among her many accomplishments, Anna led her classmates in successfully lobbying the local city council to pass an ordinance prohibiting the sale of tobacco products to minors. She also developed an anti-smoking program at her school where she and her friends developed brochures, a video and even performed a skit to discourage students from using tobacco. Nomination forms may be obtained by calling 202-296-5469, or by writing to the CAMPAIGN FOR TOBACCO-FREE KIDS, Youth Advocate of the Year Award, 1707 L St., NW, Suite 800, Washington, DC 20036. Nominations must be post-marked by Feb. 10, 1997.