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Tobacco Agreement Action Center Launched

Effort Will Serve As Clearinghouse for Settlement Information
June 30, 1997

Washington, DC - The CAMPAIGN FOR TOBACCO-FREE KIDS has opened an Action Center at its headquarters to take media interview and information requests, and disseminate information about the tobacco agreement. By contacting the Action Center, media can get current information about the agreement, and be connected with CAMPAIGN spokespeople – including President Bill Novelli, Executive Vice-President Matt Myers, and Communications Director Kathryn Kahler Vose. The Action Center can also link media with other spokespeople in the public health community. Agreement Information also will be available through the CAMPAIGN’s web site, at The Action Center can be reached daily and on Saturday at (202) 296-5469 ext.3036. For this Saturday evening and Sunday, media needing assistance can call Kathryn Kahler Vose at (804) 435-0948 (after 5 p.m. on Sunday: (202) 966-1301). WHAT: TOBACCO AGREEMENT ACTION CENTER WHO:SPOKESPEOPLE AVAIL.: BILL NOVELLI, PRESIDENT -- and MATT MYERS, EXECUTIVE V.P. -- and KATHRYN KAHLER VOSE, COMM. DIR. -- and OTHERS IN PUBLIC HEALTH COMMUNITY WHEN: DAILY: 8:30 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. THIS SATURDAY: 8:30 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. WHERE: PHONE: (202) 296-5469, ext.3036 WEB SITE: