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Tobacco Wars 1998: Congressional Landscape And Year-Ahead Preview Media Briefing, Wednesday, January

January 16, 1998

Washington, DC - Tobacco promises to continue its reign as the most hotly-debated topic in Congress and in state governments this year. From legislation introduced on Capitol Hill, to recently-released documents that show that RJ Reynolds knowingly and intentionally marketed its addictive products to kids, to Texas’ settlement with the tobacco industry, the tobacco scenario changes on a daily basis. The impact of these events on the prospects for national legislation, as well as that of upcoming Congressional hearings, the impact of tobacco political contributions in the coming election year, and likely state legislative initiatives, will be discussed at 10:30 a.m. on Wednesday, January 21. Join us for an informal media briefing about these and other issues likely to arise in the coming months. Media Briefing Wednesday, January 21, 10:30 a.m. CAMPAIGN FOR TOBACCO-FREE KIDS 1707 L Street, N.W., Suite 800 Washington, DC The briefing will be led by CAMPAIGN FOR TOBACCO-FREE KIDS’ President Bill Novelli and Executive Vice President and General Counsel Matthew Myers.