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Tobacco Farmers And Public Health Organizations To Release Core Principles Document,New Polling Data

March 11, 1998

Washington, DC - On Monday, March 16, another historic announcement will take place on the tobacco front: tobacco growers and public health organizations will come together and release a set of mutually agreed upon core principles under which national tobacco control policy should be enacted. The principles that will be announced include but are not limited to public health objectives, the tobacco program, economic development funds, and the production and importation of foreign tobacco. A poll of 400 Kentucky farmers will also be released. The poll examined farmers’ views on the future of tobacco farming and tobacco policy. WHO: Rod Kuegel, President/Burley Tobacco Growers Cooperative, Inc. Andrew Shepherd, Vice President/Flue-Cured Tobacco Cooperative Stabilization Corporation Bill Novelli, President/CAMPAIGN FOR TOBACCO-FREE KIDS Bill Broome, Board Member/American Heart Association J.T. Davis, Secretary/Concerned Friends for Tobacco Scott D. Ballin, Senior Policy Consultant/CAMPAIGN FOR TOBACCO-FREE KIDS WHAT:Release of Tobacco Producers’ Core Principles Under Which Tobacco Control Policy Should Be Enacted WHEN:Monday, March 16 10:00 a.m. WHERE: Main Hearing Room U.S. House of Representatives’ Committee on Agriculture 1300 Longworth House Office Building Washington, DC