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New Ad Challenges False Tobacco Ad Campaign

Lauds Senator McCain’s Efforts to Pass Tobacco Control Measure
May 10, 1998

Washington, DC - The CAMPAIGN FOR TOBACCO FREE KIDS today launched a new advertisement that attacks a deceptive ad sponsored by a tobacco industry front group and which is aimed at Sen. John McCain. The CAMPAIGN ad also lauds Sen. McCain’s leadership for standing up for America’s kids with his tobacco control bill. 'Once again, the tobacco companies have distorted the facts,' said CAMPAIGN President Bill Novelli. 'This debate is about kids, not money. And it is not about protecting the tobacco industry.' 'The deceptive tobacco ads, sponsored by the National Smokers Alliance, are part of a multi-million dollar effort to protect the tobacco industry’s ability to continue marketing their products to kids,' Novelli added. 'After decades of lying about the content of their product, lying about marketing to kids, and lying about the addictiveness of nicotine, the tobacco companies and their allies are once again trying to deceive the public about the McCain legislation.' The advertisement, which will run in The Arizona Republic today and in Washington, DC publications this week, warns: 'A front group for the tobacco industry has been running ads claiming that Senator John McCain’s tobacco control bill is a big tax and spend measure that won’t stop teen smoking.' It goes on to urge the public not to believe these deceptive ads, and ends by thanking Senator McCain for 'putting kids first' in his effort to pass meaningful legislation. The comprehensive measure was sponsored by Senator McCain and passed the Senate Commerce Committee with a 19-1 bipartisan vote. 'The tobacco industry has been winning fights in Washington for years by funneling money into political coffers, utilizing high priced lobbyists and financing deceptive advertising and marketing campaigns,' Novelli continued. 'If comprehensive tobacco control legislation is defeated this year, it will be a surrender by Congress to Big Tobacco and another defeat for our kids.'