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Senators, Health Leaders To Issue Call For Senate To End Tobacco Legislation Delay

News Conference Will Feature “Stop the Delay” Stopwatches That Will Be Delivered to Senate
June 01, 1998

Washington, DC - As the Senate faces a crucial decision tomorrow evening over moving forward with tobacco control legislation or continuing to delay the bill, public health leaders will join with U.S. Senators John McCain (R-AZ), John Kerry (D-MA), Kent Conrad (D-ND) and John Chafee (R-RI) and hold a press conference at 11 a.m. Tuesday, June 2 to call for immediate action. In addition to discussing the status of comprehensive tobacco control legislation, the speakers will call on the Senate to allow the legislation to move forward immediately. As part of this call, representatives of ENACT (Effective National Action to Control Tobacco), a coalition of more than 45 leading public health organizations, will distribute “Stop the Delay” stopwatches to every member of the U.S. Senate, along with a letter urging action on this critical issue. The stopwatches will be on display at the news conference. Joining the Senators at the event will be public health leaders from ENACT, including: the American Cancer Society, American Heart Association and the American Academy of Pediatrics. WHAT: News Conference: 'Stop the Delay' on Tobacco Control Legislation WHO: U.S. Senator John McCain (R-AZ) U.S. Senator John Kerry (D-MA) U.S. Senator Kent Conrad (D-ND) U.S. Senator John Chafee (R-RI) John Seffrin, Ph.D., CEO/American Cancer Society Cass Wheeler, CEO/American Heart Association Joel Alpert, M.D., VP/American Academy of Pediatrics WHEN: Tuesday, June 2 11:00 a.m. WHERE: U.S. Capitol Building Grounds Senate Swamp.