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ENACT Coalition Calls On Congress To Push For Restoration Of Public Health Funding In Tobacco Control Legislation

Group Reiterates Support for McCain Bill
June 12, 1998

Washington, DC - Despite the efforts by opponents of the McCain tobacco control bill to weaken the bill and to weaken support for it through the enactment of amendments from Senators Coverdell and Gramm, ENACT remains strongly committed to fighting for passage of the McCain bill. Combined, the Coverdell and Gramm amendments diverted virtually all of the funds in the bill for the public health programs designed to reduce tobacco use. “The McCain bill is the vehicle for tobacco control legislation, and must not be weakened,” said ENACT. “This bill represents the best opportunity to prevent and reduce tobacco use and to save lives. ENACT will continue its efforts to fight to reinstate the funding for the public health programs in the bill and to defeat any further attempts to weaken or destroy the bill.” “Today, we are again urging Senate leaders and the Administration to restore funding for public health programs before the bill moves out of the Senate,” said ENACT. “It is shameful and ludicrous for the Senate to vote to cut the core provisions of the bill by voting to spend all of the money on non-tobacco programs.” ENACT (Effective National Action to Control Tobacco) is a Washington, DC-based coalition of 50 leading public health organizations that have pledged to work with Congress, the Administration, the public health community and the American people to pass comprehensive, sustainable, well-funded national tobacco control legislation.