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Multistate Settlement Is Important Step in Holding Juul Accountable for Fueling the Youth E-Cigarette Epidemic – Funds Should be Used for Critical Prevention and Enforcement Efforts

Statement of John Bowman, Executive Vice President, U.S. Programs, Campaign for Tobacco-Free Kids
April 12, 2023

WASHINGTON, D.C. – The $462 million multistate settlement announced today is an important step in holding Juul accountable for fueling the youth e-cigarette epidemic with its flavored, nicotine-loaded products and youth-oriented marketing. We applaud the attorneys general involved for their leadership in shining a spotlight on Juul’s wrongdoing and forcing the company to change its harmful practices. This settlement can have a particularly significant impact in protecting the health of our children if, as indicated, it results in the disclosure of previously secret Juul documents and provides funding for programs to prevent youth use of e-cigarettes and help addicted users quit.

We strongly welcome the commitment by California Attorney General Rob Bonta to use part of the $175.8 million California will receive for enforcement of the state’s law prohibiting the sale of flavored e-cigarettes and other flavored tobacco products. Tobacco companies have sought to evade the law, with Reynolds American introducing new cigarette products that are marketed as “smooth” and “crisp” and are virtually indistinguishable from prohibited menthol cigarettes. STAT News has also reported that flavored e-cigarettes remain widely available for sale in California. We look forward to working with Attorney General Bonta’s office as the state continues to expand enforcement of the state law to get all flavored tobacco products off store shelves in California.

Today’s settlement also underscores why the FDA should move forward without further delay in ordering all Juul products off the market. The FDA in June denied marketing applications for all current Juul products, but issued an administrative stay after Juul filed a lawsuit. Juul’s history shows that it has acted with reckless disregard for the health of our nation’s kids and cannot be trusted to act responsibly.

Today’s settlement was negotiated by California, Colorado, the District of Columbia, Illinois, Massachusetts, New Mexico and New York.