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Campaign for Tobacco-Free Kids Commends Government of Argentina for Banning Heated Tobacco Products

Statement of Patricia Sosa, Head of Latin America & Caribbean Programs
March 28, 2023

Washington, D.C. – Argentina has taken a major step toward reducing tobacco consumption by approving a ban on heated tobacco products. Ministry of Health Resolution 565/2023 prohibits selling, importing, distributing and advertising heated tobacco products throughout the country. The ban extends to all types of accessories intended for the operation of heated tobacco systems or devices, including tobacco cartridges and bars to be heated in such systems.

This step will protect millions of young people in Argentina. The new ban is important because tobacco consumption in Argentina kills 45,000 people each year, equivalent to 14% of all deaths. Heated tobacco products are an important part of the tobacco industry’s tactics to keep people addicted to tobacco and attract new users. While the tobacco industry claims that heated tobacco products are designed for smokers seeking to quit, aggressive marketing of these products to youth around the world has threatened to reverse decades of progress in driving down youth tobacco use.

According to the World Health Organization, heated tobacco products do not help smokers quit tobacco use, emit toxic emissions similar to those found in cigarette smoke, many of which can cause cancer, and contain nicotine at levels similar to conventional cigarettes which is linked to health harms in children.

The ban adds to steps Argentina has already taken to reduce tobacco use including 100% smoke-free indoor public places, health warnings on tobacco products, and increased taxes on tobacco products. Other Latin America countries such as Brazil, Panama and Mexico have implemented similar regulations on heated tobacco products.

The Campaign for Tobacco-Free Kids strongly commends the Ministry of Health of Argentina for taking this critical step in the fight against tobacco use and for protecting the health of kids over the interests of the tobacco industry.