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This World No Tobacco Day, It’s Time to “Commit to Quit” Tobacco

Statement of Matthew L. Myers, President of Campaign for Tobacco-Free Kids
May 27, 2021

Washington, DC – This World No Tobacco Day – observed each year on May 31 – the Campaign for Tobacco-Free Kids is supporting the World Health Organization’s (WHO) "Commit to Quit" campaign, a year-long campaign with a goal of supporting over 100 million tobacco users trying to quit tobacco use permanently.

Tobacco use kills 8 million people each year, and it has never been more important to keep our lungs healthy. Mounting evidence suggests that tobacco users have a significantly higher chance of developing severe COVID-19 complications compared to non-smokers.

Tobacco companies like Philip Morris International, British American Tobacco, Japan Tobacco International and Imperial Brands remain the main cause of the global tobacco epidemic and the main obstacles to greater progress in reducing tobacco use. Strong and persistent government action is needed to protect current and future generations from the devastating consequences of tobacco use.

On World No Tobacco Day, we urge governments around the world to adopt policies that prevent young people from using tobacco and encourage tobacco users to quit. These include increased tobacco taxes, 100 percent smoke-free public places, bans on tobacco advertising, and large, pictorial warning labels on tobacco products.

It has never been more crucial to prevent young people from using any tobacco products, including cigarettes and e-cigarettes, and to motivate smokers to quit. The coronavirus pandemic should serve as a wakeup call to make our lungs healthier now and for the future.