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Statement on the Anniversary of George Floyd’s Murder

Statement of Matthew L. Myers, President, Campaign for Tobacco-Free Kids
May 25, 2021

WASHINGTON, D.C. – One year ago today, George Floyd was brutally murdered at the hands of police — igniting an uprising for change in police culture that so often is fatally reckless with Black lives.

True justice is not achieved with guilty verdicts. There can be no justice until the systems we rely on for safety reckon with a legacy of racist violence and hatred. It cannot be achieved without confronting and eliminating the systemic racism and injustice that remain pervasive throughout our society – not only in policing, but in employment and economic opportunity, healthcare, housing, education, access to the ballot box and other aspects of our lives.

Racism is a public health crisis, and our mission to protect all kids and lives from the tobacco industry must be grounded in this reality. Our movement must align with those seeking health equity and the end of institutionalized harm against marginalized people.

At the Campaign for Tobacco Free kids, we are committed to ending Big Tobacco’s targeting of Black people and communities, especially Black youth. We are also committed to investing in programs and organizations that push forward policies that will protect the millions of people whose lives, lungs and health are at stake.

For George Floyd and so many others whose lives have been stolen at the hands of police — we remain committed to doing our part to build safe, healthy and equitable communities that value Black lives.