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Statement on Verdict in the Derek Chauvin Trial

Statement of Matthew L. Myers, President, Campaign for Tobacco-Free Kids
April 20, 2021

WASHINGTON, D.C. – Justice was done today with the conviction of Derek Chauvin for the horrific murder of George Floyd. But this verdict is only one step in what must be an urgent and comprehensive effort to eliminate police brutality and all forms of racism and injustice in our nation. Continuing incidents of police brutality, especially against Black Americans, and other recent examples of racist violence and hatred show that too little has changed since the death of George Floyd. The time has come to say enough is enough and work for real change with utmost urgency and purpose. 

The Campaign for Tobacco-Free Kids condemns all forms of racism and injustice and is committed to doing all we can to advance racial equity and justice for all in our society. We strongly agree with the CDC’s recent declaration that racism is a serious public health threat that harms the physical and mental health of millions of people. The COVID-19 pandemic and its grossly disproportionate impact on communities of color has made this abundantly clear. The fight for racial and health equity must include ending the tobacco industry’s predatory and deadly targeting of Black Americans and other communities, especially with menthol cigarettes. We are fully committed to helping create a more equitable, just and healthier future and to working with other organizations and individuals striving to do so.