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Trump Administration Should Immediately Reverse Decision to Halt Funding for World Health Organization

Statement of Matthew L. Myers, President, Campaign for Tobacco-Free Kids
April 16, 2020

WASHINGTON, D.C. – The Campaign for Tobacco-Free Kids urges the Trump Administration to immediately reverse its decision to halt funding for the World Health Organization, even as the WHO leads global efforts to combat the COVID-19 pandemic. The Administration’s decision to withhold funding for the WHO is a reckless act at the worst possible time, and it will result in more suffering and death around the world unless it is quickly reversed. This decision also hurts the United States’ own efforts to combat this pandemic by undermining the global cooperation and coordination needed to stop the spread of the virus, develop the necessary treatments and vaccine, and reopen our economies. The U.S. and the world will pay a high price unless the Administration reverses this decision.   

The Campaign for Tobacco-Free Kids is proud to work with the WHO in supporting efforts to reduce tobacco use and address other critical public health challenges around the world.  The WHO has played and continues to play a uniquely vital role in protecting and promoting public health across the globe.