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India’s Action on E-cigarettes Will Prevent a Youth Epidemic

Statement of Matthew L. Myers, President, Campaign for Tobacco-Free Kids
September 18, 2019

WASHINGTON, DC – India’s government announced today that it would ban the sale, manufacture, import and advertising of e-cigarettes nationwide as part of a bold effort to protect youth from the risk of nicotine addiction. The Campaign for Tobacco-Free Kids applauds the Indian government for taking such decisive action to prevent a youth e-cigarette epidemic in India.

The rapid introduction of e-cigarettes in countries around the world poses new challenges to governments dedicated to protecting youth and reducing tobacco use. E-cigarette use by youth presents serious concerns as the use of nicotine in any form is unsafe, causes addiction and can harm adolescent brain development.

In the United States, e-cigarette use has soared to epidemic levels thanks to the marketing tactics of companies like Juul and the widespread availability of e-cigarette flavors like mango, mint and bubblegum. From social media influencers to celebrity endorsements, the marketing tactics of e-cigarette makers are straight from the playbook of Big Tobacco. These tactics are exposing an entirely new generation of youth to addictive products and threaten to undo decades of progress in curbing tobacco use.

Governments around the world cannot wait to take action on e-cigarettes. All countries must take effective action to prevent e-cigarette use among young people and keep these products from undermining global efforts to drive down tobacco use.