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Tell the FDA to get rid of flavored tobacco products

This year, we can achieve a huge victory against Big Tobacco by getting the FDA to eliminate flavored tobacco products, including flavored e-cigarettes, menthol cigarettes and flavored cigars. Sign our petition calling on the FDA to take bold action that will protect kids, advance health equity and save lives. Join us and tell them it’s time to act!


To the U.S. Food and Drug Administration:

We urge you to make this the year the FDA finally eliminates flavored tobacco products, including flavored e-cigarettes, menthol cigarettes and flavored cigars. For far too long, the tobacco industry has used flavored products to target and addict kids, Black Americans and other groups. It’s time to stand up to Big Tobacco and get rid of these flavored products once and for all.

The FDA must take action to eliminate the following flavored products:

  • Flavored e-cigarettes: Over 2.1 million kids use e-cigarettes, and 90% of them use flavored products. E-cigarette companies lure kids with fun flavors and hook them with massive doses of nicotine.  
  • Menthol cigarettes: For decades, the tobacco industry has targeted Black communities, kids and other groups with marketing for menthol cigarettes. Today, 85% of Black smokers and half of high school smokers use menthol cigarettes – which are more addictive, easier for kids to start using, and harder for smokers to quit.  
  • Flavored cigars: The tobacco industry peddles cheap cigars in hundreds of flavors like strawberry, chocolate and tropical twist. Cigars are especially popular among Black and Hispanic youth.

The FDA has the power to protect kids and save lives. By eliminating flavored tobacco products, you can greatly improve our nation’s health and stop tobacco companies from addicting another generation of kids. We urge you to act now.

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