
Become a Sponsor

Thank you for your interest in sponsoring the 2023 Youth Advocates of the Year Awards!

You can secure a $2,500, $5,000 or $10,000 sponsorship online. For sponsorships over $10,000, please contact Phil Mione.



Covid-19 Protocols:
The Campaign for Tobacco-Free Kids is committed to creating a safe and mask-friendly environment for all event guests. Masks are welcomed but not required at the event, and we encourage everyone to be vaccinated, boosted, and to test prior to attending our event.

Sponsorship Benefits

BENEFACTOR ($50,000)

  • Invitation for up to 15 guests with VIP seating
  • Exclusive display of logo on screen at Awards
  • Recognition from the podium on the night of the event
  • Priority logo placement on Awards website and invitation
  • Recognition on-screen during reception
  • 2 page ad in program book
  • Listing in program book

ADVOCATE ($25,000)

  • Invitation for up to 10 guests with VIP seating
  • Recognition from the podium the night of the event
  • Logo on Awards website and invitation
  • Recognition on-screen during reception
  • 1 page ad in program book
  • Listing in program book

PATRON ($15,000)

  • Invitation for up to 8 guests
  • Logo on Awards website and invitation
  • Recognition on-screen during reception
  • 1 page ad in program book
  • Listing in program book

ALLY ($10,000)

  • Invitation for up to 8 guests
  • Logo on Awards website and invitation
  • Half page ad in program book
  • Listing in program book

PREMIER ($5,000)

  • Invitation for up to 5 guests
  • Half page ad in program book
  • Listing in program book

SUPPORTER ($2,500)

  • Invitation for up to 2 guests
  • Listing in program book

Reception Sponsor - $40,000

This year’s Awards will begin with a lively and dynamic pre-event reception open to all attendees. This exclusive sponsorship includes all the recognition of the Advocate Level plus recognition as the Reception Sponsor on Awards signage, materials and A/V, on signage at the reception, and through recognition from the podium at the start of the Awards show.

After-Party Sponsor – $30,000

Close out the night in style as the exclusive sponsor of the Awards after party. This sponsorship includes all the recognition of the Advocate Level plus recognition as After Party Sponsor on Awards signage, materials and A/V, on signage at the after party, and in the ceremony’s closing remarks with a special thanks to the After Party Sponsor.






Ambassador Omar Arouna and Yolonda Richardson

Consumer Healthcare Products Association

Global Wave Digital




Hinman Straub

Ice Miller

John R. Bowman

Jonathan Wilkenfeld and Family



Reid, McNally, & Savage

The Center for Black Health & Equity

The Mellman Group

Vital Strategies

Action on Smoking & Health

Anderson & Kreiger LLP

Bernstein Shur

Beverly and Timothy May


EaglePeak Consulting

Elite Change Inc.

Espousal Strategies

FM3 Research

Gallagher Benefit Services

Kerr Russell

Kimberly and Craig Amazeen

Lake Research Partner

Olson Remcho LLP

RBC Wealth Management – The Etergino Group

Reinecke Strategic Solutions

RTI International

The Resurgam Group

The University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center

Tim Gibbs Consulting

Zuckerman Spaeder LLP



Campaign for Tobacco-Free Kids

The Campaign for Tobacco-Free Kids is the leading advocacy organization working to reduce tobacco use and its deadly consequences in the United States and around the world. Through strategic communications and policy advocacy campaigns, we promote the adoption of proven solutions that are most effective at reducing tobacco use and save the most lives. Through our youth initiatives, we foster young leaders who are striving to make the next generation tobacco-free. Our vision is a future free from the death and disease caused by tobacco.

Global Health Advocacy Incubator

The Global Health Advocacy Incubator (GHAI), an initiative of the Campaign for Tobacco-Free Kids, supports civil society organizations advocating for public health policies that reduce death and disease. We bring a proven advocacy approach and a global network of local partners, built on a 25-year track record of success across multiple issues in more than 60 countries. GHAI provides strategic support to advocates working to enact and implement laws that save lives on a variety of public health issues and in diverse political systems and is a leading policy advocacy voice on a range of issues.