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In Conversation with Shauvon Simmons-Wright

In this edition of The Take Down, Campaign for Tobacco-Free Kids’ Gustavo Torrez interviews Shauvon Simmons-Wright, Director of Special Projects at Alliance for a Healthier Generation. Healthier Generation works with schools, youth-serving organizations, businesses and communities to support kids in developing lifelong healthy habits by ensuring the environments that surround them provide and promote good health.

Tobacco-free environments are critical for young people’s health, and Shauvon shares how Healthier Generation helps schools and districts create and implement policies that both encourage kids to stay tobacco-free and support students’ health and academic success — avoiding harmful disciplinary measures like suspension and expulsion.

Healthier Generation is also an important partner in supporting efforts to pass policies that prevent and reduce tobacco use, like ending the sale of flavored tobacco products. We have also partnered to train youth advocates across the country. Watch the conversation to learn more about Healthier Generation’s work!


We always want to meet districts and schools where they are in the process so that they can implement sustainable changes that will benefit students today and in the future.