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Lights, Camera, Fight Tobacco!

March 10, 2014

Youth across America will stand up to Big Tobacco on Kick Butts Day, just nine days away on March 19, 2014.

In the fall, our Kick Butts Day team invited youth across the country to submit original public service announcements as part of our annual Kicking Butts on Film PSA Contest.

We received dozens of creative entries from all over the U.S. These videos showed how tobacco continues to effect America’s youth in their daily lives – and how many of them are galvanized to continue the fight.

Here are the winners.

First place

“The Science behind a Cigarette” from Pine View School SWAT in Osprey, Fla.

2nd place

“Cigarette Dissection” from Lely High School SWAT in Naples, Fla.

3rd place (tie):

“Why Smoke Free” from Lake Charles-Boston Academy of Learning, Lake Charles, La.

3rd place (tie)

“Send a Message to Big Tobacco” from A. M. Barbe High School, Lake Charles, La.

Honorable Mention:

“It Starts with Me” from F.K. White Middle School SPARK – Lake Charles, LA

Kick Butts Day is a national day of activism that empowers youth to stand out, speak up and seize control against Big Tobacco. We're expecting about 1,400 events in schools and communities across the U.S. and around the world.

Established in 1996, Kick Butts Day is organized by the Campaign for Tobacco-Free Kids and sponsored by the United Health Foundation.