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World No Tobacco Day Award - Winners 2019

May 30, 2019

The World Health Organization (WHO) recently announced the winners of the 2019 World Tobacco Prize. In the Americas region, the winners are:

· Ministry of Health, Welfare and Environment, Antigua and Barbuda.

· Gerbert Marcelo Marqueli Canales (RIP), Solidarity Fund for Health, El Salvador

· Ana María Lorenzo García, President of the Uruguayan Society of Tabacology, Uruguay

· Seven Colombian Scientific Society: Colombian Association of Internal Medicine, Colombian Society of Family Medicine, Colombian Association of Pneumology and Thoracic Surgery, Colombian Association of Pediatric Pulmonology, Colombian Society of Cardiology and Cardiovascular Surgery, Colombian Association of Pathology, and the Colombian Association of Hematology and Oncology, Colombia

· Inter-American Heart Foundation (FIC), Argentina

· Florida Students Who Work Against Tobacco (SWAT) Youth Advisory Board, United States

This recognition, given by the Director General of the WHO, is a gratitude to these people and organizations for their commitment to the implementation of tobacco control measures in their countries.

Congratulations to all! #WorldNoTobaccoDay