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Why tobacco taxes?

Framework Convention on Tobacco Control
International Treaty sponsored by the World Health Organization

Monographs Serie 21 - Economics of Tobacco and Tobacco Control
National Cancer Institute and World Health Organization Document

Tobacco Tax Reform: At the Crossroads of Health and Development
World Bank Document

Taxation and Price. Essential Facts
Campaign for Tobacco-Free Kids Factsheet

Medidas de impuestos y precios: Modelo sostenible para disminuir el consumo de tabaco *
Planilla informativa de Campaign for Tobacco-Free Kids

How to implement them?

Economics of Tobacco Taxation Toolkit
World Bank Document

Cigarette Affordability
Campaign for Tobacco-Free Kids Factsheet

Taxation and Price. Types of Taxes
Campaign for Tobacco-Free Kids Factsheet

Dispelling myths

Taxation and Price. Countering Industry Claims
Campaign for Tobacco-Free Kids Factsheet

Tobacco Tax Increases Remain Most Effective Policy for Reducing Tobacco Use
Tobacconomics Policy Brief

Battles against the industry

Undermining Government Tax Policies
Tobacconomics Document

Evidence of the region

Report on Tobacco Control in the Region of the Americas, 2018
Pan-American Health Organization Document

Tobacco Taxes in Mexico
Campaign for Tobacco-Free Kids Factsheet

Tobacco Tax Success Stories
United States of America
Campaign for Tobacco-Free Kids Factsheet

Carga de enfermedad e impuestos (Spanish)
Argentina | Bolivia | Brasil | Chile | Colombia | Costa Rica | Ecuador | Honduras | Mexico | Paraguay | Peru |Uruguay | Latinamerica
Insituto de Efectividad Clínica y Sanitaria (IECS) Factsheets